On OzcatRadio.com, 89.5 FM KZCT, with a listener audience in the thousands across the Northbay and worldwide...
Thee Mothership Connection is your ticket to
Broadcasting from the upper east-side of the San Pablo bay, featuring bands from the Greater Bay Area, NorCal (707), and Central Valley (209 & 916), performing at venues in the Northbay counties of Sonoma, Solano, Napa, Contra Costa, and in neighboring Oakland and Berkeley.
Tracks listed with bands are played on the live broadcast, and / or are recommended listening to.
Events databases:
- The LIST [is.gd/VpdB9G] of funk-punk-thrash-ska shows, alongside anything else.
- KZSU's Lively List of Live Music Happenings [kzsu.stanford.edu/concertcalendar]
- Sacramento Area Shows [undietacos.org]
- Bay Area Punk [bayareapunk.com]
- Solidarity with your community radio stations, including KWTF [kwtf.net] in neighboring Sonoma County!
- Vallejo downtown events and entertainment [artvallejo.org/events]
21+ // [facebook.com/redhatsportsbar] [reverbnation.com/venue/redhatsportsbar] // 1860 Monument Blvd Concord, CA 94518 // [facebook.com/TonyKrollBooking]
Saturday, June 30th, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Presents...
- Static Age (San Jose Hardcore) [facebook.com/staticage408] [staticage.bandcamp.com], w. "4 Years", "Rebuild "
- Bad Citizen
- Throat Rip [facebook.com/ThroatRip] [throatrip.bandcamp.com]

Saturday, July 7th, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Booking presents...
- Road Vikings [facebook.com/TheRoadVikings] [theroadvikings.bandcamp.com], w. "The Ballad of Clutch Nixon"
- Sun Beast [facebook.com/Sun-Beast-703600619820699] [reverbnation.com/sunbeast], w. "Glass Joe" and "Freebo"
- Tortured

Saturday, July 13th, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Booking presents...
- Wolf Sun Snake
- John Rybak & Friends [reverbnation.com/johnrybak]

All-Ages // [thephoenixtheater.com] // 201 Washington St, Petaluma, CA, 94952
Saturday, June 30th, 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show), $10
Event page [thephoenixtheater.com/event/1694159-nrvs-lvrs-y-axes-petaluma]
KPCA Presents
- NRVS LVRS [nrvslvrs.bandcamp.com]
- The Y Axes [theyaxes.bandcamp.com]
- New Spell [facebook.com/NewSpellMusic] [newspellmusic.com] [soundcloud.com/new-spell], w. "You win" [newspell.bandcamp.com/track/you-win]
- Flour Flour [flourflour.com] [soundcloud.com/flourflour]
At 924 GILMAN, in Berkeley
All-Ages // [924gilman.org] // 924 Gilman St. at 8th, Berkeley // (510) 524-8180
Saturday, June 30th, 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show), $10 (+$2 if this is your first ever show here)
Event page [facebook.com/events/1717846124961317]
- Spiller (Eugene, OR) [facebook.com/spillerband]
- The Brankas [hfacebook.com/TheBrankas]
- Rex Ruit (album release!) [facebook.com/rexruit]
- Damper [facebook.com/Damperbandca]
- Lavender Scared [facebook.com/lavenderscared] [lavenderscared.bandcamp.com], w. "When the Walls Break", "The Order of Things"
Friday, July 6th, 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show), $10 (+$2 if this is your first ever show here)
Event page [facebook.com/events/170730356923062]
- Revolution Bummer (SF post-hardcore) [revolutionbummer.bandcamp.com], w. live recordings "We'll Rest in Death", "Off of Our Streets", "Permanent Darkness"
- George Crustanza (SF hardcore) [georgecrustanza.bandcamp.com]
- GILT (North FL sad/angry-core) [gilt.bandcamp.com]
- Throwing Rocks (Bay area punk rock) [throwingrockspunk.bandcamp.com], w. "Handouts"
- Shotgun Braindectomy (Berkeley Tinnituscore-noise)
At TOOT'S TAVERN, in Crockett
21+ // [tootstavern.com] // 627 2nd Ave., Crockett, CA 94525 // (510) 787-9860, [tootstavern@)gmail.com]
Saturday, June 30th, 8:30pm, $10 donation directly to the band!
Event page [facebook.com/events/351746062015488]
Liquidduaneo Metal Productions presents...
- Carneficina [facebook.com/carneficinaofficial]
- Bavmorda
- Hemotoxin
- Monster God
- Rage of War (opener) 8:30pm

At the Octopus Literary Salon
All-Ages // [oaklandoctopus.org] // 2101 Webster st. at 22nd st. // (510) 844-4120
Saturday, June 30th, 6pm, $5
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/coke-mop-dumb-vancouver-6pm-5]
- Coke [coke.bandcamp.com], w. "Baked Alaska", "Da Da"
- Mop (from Vancouver, B.C.) [dumbband.bandcamp.com], w. "Artfact"
- Dumb (Vancouver)
Burger Boogaloo After Party! Saturday, June 30th, 10pm $10
- The Control Freaks [slovenly.bandcamp.com/album/control-freaks-mindless-entertainment-lp], w. "Control Freaks", "Crime Wave", "Blowtorch Love"
- The Knights Of Trash [theknightsoftrash.bandcamp.com], w. "Tell Me Tell Me"
- The Golden Pelicans [goldenpelicans.bandcamp.com], w. "It Ain't Psychedelic (Till You Kill Someone)", "Hellow Russia", "Byzantine"
- Soda Boys [sodaboys1.bandcamp.com]
Tuesday, July 3rd, 7pm, $5
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/superbrat-schlotman-nadu-la-7pm-5]
- Superbrat [superbrat.bandcamp.com], w. "Aunt Dictator", "Phantom Phone Call"
- Schlotman [schlotman.bandcamp.com], w. "Sky"
- Nadu (LA) [naduband.bandcamp.com]

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