On OzcatRadio.com, 89.5 FM KZCT, with a listener audience in the thousands across the Northbay and worldwide...
Thee Mothership Connection is your ticket to
Broadcasting from the upper east-side of the San Pablo bay, featuring bands from the Greater Bay Area, NorCal (707), and Central Valley (209 & 916), performing at venues in the Northbay counties of Sonoma, Solano, Napa, Contra Costa, and in neighboring Oakland and Berkeley.
Tracks listed with bands are played on the live broadcast, and / or are recommended listening to.
Events databases:
- The LIST [is.gd/VpdB9G] of funk-punk-thrash-ska shows, alongside anything else.
- KZSU's Lively List of Live Music Happenings [kzsu.stanford.edu/concertcalendar]
- Sacramento Area Shows [undietacos.org]
- Bay Area Punk [bayareapunk.com]
- Solidarity with your community radio stations, including KWTF [kwtf.net] in neighboring Sonoma County!
- Vallejo downtown events and entertainment [artvallejo.org/events]
21+ // [facebook.com/redhatsportsbar] [reverbnation.com/venue/redhatsportsbar] // 1860 Monument Blvd Concord, CA 94518 // [facebook.com/TonyKrollBooking]
PUNK, ROCK! Friday, June 15th, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Presents...
- Linguo [facebook.com/linguomusic] [linguomusic.bandcamp.com], w. "The Ruiner", "Play It Again"
- Hate for State [facebook.com/hateforstate] [reverbnation.com/hateforstate] [soundcloud.com/hateforstate] [hateforstate.bandcamp.com], w. "Over Think", "Open Your Eyes"
- Greasy Rich

ROCK, R&B, & SOUL! Saturday, June 16th, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Presents...
- Eastbay Soup Kitchen [facebook.com/East-Bay-Soup-Kitchen-163441463731437] [eastbaysoupkitchen.bandcamp.com], w. "Commander Steve", "In Need of Soup", "Fishin Musician"
- Spill the Wine [facebook.com/SpilltheWineBand] [reverbnation.com/spillthewine510]
- Easy Queen [facebook.com/easyqueen] [easyqueen.bandcamp.com]

PSYCHE, METAL! Friday, June 22nd, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Presents...
- Vicious Wishes [facebook.com/pages/Vicious-Wishes/124174334354646]
- Stimuli [facebook.com/stimuliband] [stimuliband.com]
- Cairo Knife Fight (of New Zealand, on a West Coast Tour, U.S.A.!) [facebook.com/cairoknifefight] [cairoknifefight.com] [reverbnation.com/cairoknifefight] [soundcloud.com/cairo-knife-fight], w. "A - TWO", "A - THREE"

Saturday, June 23rd, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Presents...
- Shark in the Water [facebook.com/sharkinthewatermusic] [sharkinthewater.bandcamp.com]
- Stay Out [facebook.com/officialstayout] [reverbnation.com/officialstayout] [soundcloud.com/officialstayout] [officialstayout.bandcamp.com]
- August Sun [facebook.com/AugustSuntheband] [augustsuntheband.com]

Friday, June 29th, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Presents...
- Not this Day [facebook.com/notthisdayband] [reverbnation.com/notthisday] [notthisday.bandcamp.com/music]
- Blame the Whiskey [facebook.com/blamewhiskey]
- Gold Band [facebook.com/GoldBandSanFrancisco]

Saturday, June 30th, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Presents...
- Static Age [facebook.com/staticage408] [staticage.bandcamp.com]
- Bad Citizen
- Throat Rip [facebook.com/ThroatRip] [throatrip.bandcamp.com]

All-Ages // [thephoenixtheater.com] // 201 Washington St, Petaluma, CA, 94952
Friday, June 15th, 8pm, $10
Event page [ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1705003]
- The Sanctions
- Silas Fermoy
- Sunhunter
Friday, June 22nd, 7pm (doors), 7:30pm (show), $10
Event page [ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1704849]
- Cabbagehead
- Justin Schaefers and The Blind Barbers
- Sharkmouth
- Trace Repeat
- Hadley Hill
Saturday, June 23rd, 7pm (doors), 8pm (show)
Event page [ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1711308]
- Hatchet (Hatchet Album Release Show!)
- Blind Illusion
- Cultural Warfare
- Scythe
Sunday, June 24th, 7pm, $8
Event page [ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1708627]
- Hizi
- Spider Cider
- Kurupi
- Lower Diamond
- Pushing It

Saturday, June 30th, 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show), $10
Event page [ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1694159]
KPCA Presents
- The Y Axes
- New Spell
- Flour Flour
All-Ages // [arlenefranciscenter.org] [facebook.com/arlenefranciscenter] // 99 6th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Friday, June 22nd, 7pm $13
Event page [facebook.com/events/1299132256857050]
- Barren Altar (Hometown show! Celebrating their latest album: Entrenched In The Faults Of The Earth)
- Aberration
- Infex
- Sepulchre
- Arm the Valkyrie

At 924 GILMAN, in Berkeley
All-Ages // [924gilman.org] // 924 Gilman St. at 8th, Berkeley // (510) 524-8180
Friday, June 15th, 7pm (doors), 7:30pm (show), $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/998045123679988]
- Ceschi Ramos [facebook.com/ceschiramos], returning to 924 Gilman with Anonymous Inc. [facebook.com/AnonymousInc]
- Cousin Boneless (from Pittsburg, Punk & Heavy Folk Music) [facebook.com/cuzinboneless] [cousinboneless.bandcamp.com]
- Sanderlings (from Santa Barbara) [facebook.com/sanderlingsfly] [sanderlings.bandcamp.com]
- False Positives
- Cut Up
- Dandelion Massacre [facebook.com/dandelionmassacre]
- Soap. [facebook.com/soaptunesofficial]

Sunday, June 17th, 2pm, $5-20 suggested donation
Bay Area Arts Mixer (BAAM) - June Edition
Event page [facebook.com/events/216863775582456]
- Amalgamation
- Mugg Muggles
- Tabitha Dillinger
- Citizen Snips (from the UK? OK!) [citizensnips.bandcamp.com]
- The Happy Clams (PUNK!) [happyclamor.bandcamp.com]
- Black Visions
- Overland [overlandofficial.bandcamp.com]
With artists participating with [localartistsberkeley.org] showing off their works!

Friday, June 22nd, 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show), $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/1922747977776222]
- Love Canal (80's Huntington Beach Punx!) [facebook.com/LoveCanalOfficial]
- Best Mistake [facebook.com/bestmistakeband]
- Violent Obsession [facebook.com/ViolentObsessionBand]
- Bay Area Danger - B.A.D [facebook.com/bayareadanger]
Saturday, June 23rd, 7:30pm (doors), $12
Event page [facebook.com/events/1679482412168028]
Gilman Ska-Night presents... [facebook.com/gilmanskanight]
- Intermittent Waves (East Bay Album Release Show!)
- Monkey [facebook.com/Monkeyska]
- Day Labor [facebook.com/DayLabor]
- MKC [facebook.com/MimiKamaChama]
- Bangalore [facebook.com/BangaloreSKA]
- Rotten Reputation [facebook.com/rottenreputation]
Sunday, June 24th, 5pm, $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/145611266288637]
Conscious hip hop night to start the summer right!!
- Blueprint
- Stanley Ipkuss
- Manos Lindas
- Philharmonik
- Keese Sama

Saturday, June 29th, 7pm (doors), 7:30pm (show), $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/380200695803132]
- Pity Party (VINYL RELEASE SHOW!!) [facebook.com/therealpityparty]
- Spider Cider (Tuscon, AZ) [facebook.com/spiderciderband]
- Stoop Kids (REUNION!!!!) [facebook.com/stoopkidsca]
- Long Knives [facebook.com/longknivesband]
- Neverlyn [facebook.com/neverlynca]
- Babygoth (acoustic Grumpster tunes)
Sunday, June 30th, 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show)
Event page [facebook.com/events/1717846124961317]
- Spiller (Eugene, OR) [facebook.com/spillerband]
- The Brankas [hfacebook.com/TheBrankas]
- Rex Ruit (album release!) [facebook.com/rexruit]
- Damper [facebook.com/Damperbandca]
- Lavender Scared [facebook.com/lavenderscared]
At the Octopus Literary Salon
All-Ages // [oaklandoctopus.org] // 2101 Webster st. at 22nd st. // (510) 844-4120
Friday, June 15th, 5pm, free
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/protea-record-release-and-mauskaveli-5pm-free]
- Protea (record release kitty cat benefit show!)

Friday, June 15th, 7pm, $8
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/yea-ming-chen-kate-sweeney-magic-magic-roses-rebecca-schiffman-jack-lewis-7pm-8]
- Yea-Ming and The Rumours [yea-ming.bandcamp.com]
- Kate Sweeney (Magic Magic Roses) [soundcloud.com/plumerecords/in-time]
- Rebecca Schiffman (of Highland Park, Los Angeles)
- Awkward Energy [awkwardenergy.bandcamp.com]
Wednesday, June 20th, 10pm, free
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/ted-block-mister-moonbeam-10pm]
- Ted the Block [tedtheblock.bandcamp.com/album/thinkinging]
- Mister Moonbeam [soundcloud.com/mister-moonbeam]
Thursday, June 21st, 7pm, $5 to $10
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/matt-jaffe-rob-jamner-eg-phillips-7pm-5-10]
- Matt Jaffe [mattjaffemusic.com] [soundcloud.com/mattjaffemusic]
- Rob Jamner [robjamner.com] [soundcloud.com/robjamner]
- E.G. Phillips [duckswithpants.com] [soundcloud.com/ducks-with-pants]
Wednesday, June 27th, 7pm, free
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/kelly-anneken-likelove-7pm]
- Kelly Anneken (stand-up comedy) [kellyanneken.bandcamp.com]
- LikeLove [likelovemusic.bandcamp.com]
Friday, June 29th, 8pm, $10
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/burger-boogaloo-opening-party-8pm-10]
Burger Boogaloo Opening party!
- Muck and the Mires [facebook.com/muckandthemires] [muckandthemires.bandcamp.com/album/doreen]
- Jon and the Vons (of France) [facebook.com/jonandthevons][jonandthevons.bandcamp.com/album/gratest-hits-vol-1]
- Ramona - The Band (of Spain) [facebook.com/ramonasvq] [ramonasvq.bandcamp.com/album/lomo-sacramento]
- The Ogres [facebook.com/theogres] [ogres.bandcamp.com/album/third-man-fuzz-uh-huh]
- The Teutonics [teutonics.bandcamp.com]
And Then...
Saturday, June 30th / Sunday, July 1st, at Mosswood Park in Oakland
KALX presents...
Burger Boogaloo!
Hosted by Total Trash Productions [facebook.com/totaltrashproductions] and Burger Records [facebook.com/burgerrecords]
TICKETS [burgerboogaloo.com]
Event page [facebook.com/events/1990623251196805]
- Devo
- Mummies
- Traditional Fools
- Spits
- Mudhoney
- Hunx and His Punx
- Flytraps
- Cumstain
- Nots
- Francis Lau
- The Damned
- Le Shok
- Giuda
- Dwarves
- The Rip Offs
- Firestarter
- Flakes
- Subsonics
- Quintron and Miss Pussycat
- Gris Gris
- Battleship

Lots of Burger Boogaloo parties listed at the event page, including:
Saturday, June 30th, 10pm, $10, All-Ages, at the Octopus Literary Salon...
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/burger-boogaloo-after-party-10pm-10], with...
- Control Freaks
- Knights of Trash
- Golden Pelicans
- Soda Boys
- Baby Shakes
Saturday, June 30th, 10pm, $5, 21+, at Eli's Mile High Club (3628 MLK Jr. Way, Oakland), with...
- Four Letter Words
- Fleshies
- Party Force
Saturday, June 30th, 6pm, $5
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/ziplock-coke-dumb-vancouver-6pm-5]
- Ziplock [processionalcross.bandcamp.com]
- Coke [coke.bandcamp.com]
- Dumb (of Vancouver) [dumbband.bandcamp.com]

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