On OzcatRadio.com, 89.5 FM KZCT, with a listener audience in the thousands across the Northbay and worldwide...
Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, and Thursdays, 5:30pm, Pacific Time at [openradio.app/station/kzct-ozcat-radio-tbbphoi2]Thee Mothership Connection is your ticket to
Broadcasting from the upper east-side of the San Pablo bay, featuring bands from the Greater Bay Area, NorCal (707), and Central Valley (209 & 916), performing at venues in the Northbay regions of Sonoma, Solano, Napa, Contra Costa, and in neighboring Oakland and Berkeley.

On this page:
• Free shows are noted. If the event doesn't have a price, bring $12 with you anyway.
• Tracks listed with bands are played on the live broadcast, and / or are recommended listening to.
• Listings with NOTAFLOF are donation-based. "No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds".
Events databases:
• The LIST [jon.luini.com/thelist/date.html] of funk-punk-thrash-ska shows, alongside anything else. / [foopee.com/punk/the-list/]
• KZSU's Lively List of Live Music Happenings [kzsu.stanford.edu/concertcalendar]
• Sacramento Area Shows [undietacos.org]
• Bay Area Punk [bayareapunk.com]
• The Bay Bridged [thebaybridged.com]
• Solidarity with your community radio stations, KWTF [kwtf.net] in Sonoma County, & KDVS in Yolo County!
- Vallejo downtown events and entertainment [artvallejo.org/events]
Listen to this week's broadcast!
Listen to last week's broadcast
Mothership Playlist
• Groovy Judy
- "Prague" [groovyjudy.bandcamp.com/track/prague]
- "Higher Mind" [groovyjudy.bandcamp.com/track/higher-mind]
- "Laid Off" [groovyjudy.bandcamp.com/track/laid-off]
• Casual Coalition (from around Novato)
- "Skin For Scales" [casualcoalition.bandcamp.com/track/skin-for-scales]
- "Hideaway Key" [casualcoalition.bandcamp.com/track/hideaway-key]
Born on the stage of countless nights at Terrapin Crossroads, The Casual Coalition are a branch from the "community music tree" that was planted at the Marin county venue, owned by Grateful Dead bassist, Phil Lesh.
The Casual Coalition features an always rotating musical cast, led by songwriter/guitarist/vocalist Craig MacArthur and features many talented, local Bay Area musicians
Everything Band (from West Marin)
- "Lock" [soundcloud.com/e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g]
• Rat Bastard Radio (from Sonoma Valley)
- "Dirty Bowl" [ratbastardradio.bandcamp.com/track/dirty-bowl]
• Winsome (from Sacramento)
- "Son of Sin" [winsome1.bandcamp.com/track/son-of-sin]
• The Me Gustas (from Sacramento)
- "Space Mountain" [themegustas.bandcamp.com/track/space-mountain]

At Bambino’s
301 Georgia St. #112, in Downtown Vallejo // [bambinosrestaurants.com] // (707) 562-2224
Saturday, July 16th, 6pm 'til 9pm, all-ages, FREE!
The Groovy Judy Band Shimmies!
Event page [facebook.com/events/1855286091336310]
Groovesters! The band is shimmying Bambino’s in Vallejo! Come shimmy the night away with us!

Sunday, July 17th, 1pm 'til 4pm
at the Vino Godfather Winery // 1005 Walnut Ave @ Kansas St - Vallejo
DW Edwards & Lighting Up The Soul Band
Armed with an extensive playlist of recognizable songs for everyone, DW Edwards & LUTS come to the stage as well polished actors, musicians, consummate entertainers, dancers and performers. Of course they always add several songs of their original works to round out their shows. DW EDWARDS’ band members follows his lead as quality, focused musicians.
Band page [facebook.com/dwedwardsmusic]
Mare Island Art Studios Big July Sale and Fundraiser
Sunday, Jul 17th, 11am 'til 5pm
Mare Island Art Studios, 110 Pintado, Building 515, Mare Island, Vallejo
Mare Island Artists will be cleaning their closets, garages and studios for a giant sale of just about everything you can imagine – from art supplies to building supplies, to household goods to vintage furniture to fine art.
A portion of funds raised will go toward maintaining the collective studio and gallery, the rest will support the artists.

At the Townhouse Cocktail Lounge
21+ // 401A Georgia St, Vallejo // [townhousevallejo.com] [facebook.com/townhousecocktails] // VAXX RESTRICTED //
Monday, July 18th, 7pm 'til 10pm
Townhouse Ramblers
Acoustic Evening of Americana, Folk and Blues featuring Don Bassey, Pato Milo, Jeff Campitelli, Rich Adams, Mark Reed, Eric Wood, Cole Panther, Erin Bakke, plus some very special guests – every Monday night.

At the Empress Theatre
21+ // in Downtown Vallejo // VAXX RESTRICTED // [empresstheatre.org]
Wednesday, July 20th, 6:30pm, $12
Red's Blues
Event page [ticketfairy.com/event/red-s-blues-20jul2022]
Red’s Blues has always had a finger-poppin’ attitude—straight from the golden years when blues, R&B and swing all meshed together and dance floors every night were filled with snake hips and slow drags. Beth, with her sensual, southern voice and classy behind-the-beat phrasing is more a Peggy Lee or Bobbie Gentry-styled singer: smoky with languid, sexy sophistication. Her “Hands Off,” accompanied by elegant swingman John Cocuzzi on piano is pure, late nightclub vibe.
Red’s Blues draw their audiences into a grown-up music world—southern music with downhome simmer, dance floor fun and stellar, sophisticated players who know they have no need to blast at earsplitting volumes to make the biggest impact.
Lounge opens at 5:30 pm and music begins at 6:30 pm
Covid-19 Policy: All patrons are required to be fully vaccinated and show proof of vaccination.

Sunday, Jul 31st, 11am 'til 6pm, FREE, All-ages
Obtainium Cup Contraptor’s Rally
at the Mare Island Art Studios, 110 Pintado, Building 515, at Mare Island, across the straits from Downtown Vallejo! Take the Tenessee exit straight as far as you can go, the follow the signs!
The Obtainium Cup is a mad-cap gathering of art vehicles, bicycles, and disability scooters that will be meeting up with Mad Hatters, Flying Monkeys, Zombies, Robots and new this year, the Music Pandemonium.
Vehicles from around the Bay Area will be competing based on creativity, tenacity, and participation.
Join our Vallejo Art Car Coalition in welcoming the Bay Area Art Car members with their fabulous street-legal vehicles. Learn how you can turn your vehicle into art!
The festival includes food trucks, beer garden, and entertainment. This event is FREE and family friendly. NOTE NEW LOCATION FOR 2022!
Enter your vehicle in the rally by going to the website at [obtainiumworks.net/obtainiumcup].
At Toot's Tavern
21+ // 627 2nd Ave., in Crockett // [tootstavern.com] [facebook.com/pg/tootstavern/events] // (510) 787-9860 // [tootstavern@)gmail.com]
Saturday, July 16th, 8pm doors, 8:30pm show // $15 advance/ $20 door / $27.50 reserved seating
Event page [facebook.com/events/740834017354068]. Tickets [e.sparxo.com/AJCCToots].
Mr. Hat Presents...
the Sugartown Shakedown!
• Craig Macarthur's Casual Coalition [casualcoalition.com] [facebook.com/casualcoalition] [casualcoalition.bandcamp.com]
• The Alex Jordan Band
Each band is performing a set and then coming together as one to perform a set of electric Bob Dylan (JUDAS!) & The Band tunes together!
This edition of Casual Coalition will feature ringleader Craig MacArthur in his second appearance at Toot's, with David Simon-Baker, Alex Jordan, Ari Gorman & Sean Nelson. Expect high-level improvisational explorations of old favorites and some originals.
Alex Jordan is riding a wave of popularity, performing with Stu Allen, Cubensis, and organizing a weekly Dead night in Redwood City. Alex Jordan Band aims to bring a delightful set of covers and originals to the stage. Released during the pandemic, Alex’s debut album, The Subtle Exhibitionist, has yet to be performed regularly around the bay. Look for harmony singing, solid songwriting, and eclectic jamming. Lineup TBA
Sugartown Shakedowns at Toot's Tavern in charming Crockett on the Carquinez feature a great dance floor, laid-back atmosphere, kind peeps & great drinks at reasonable prices.
Very limited reserved seating available, seats not guaranteed without reserved seating.
Promoter website [mrhatpresents.com] facebook.com/mrhatpresents]

Friday, July 22nd, 7:30pm doors, 8pm show, $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/438882658073374]
LiquidDuaneo Metal Productions presents..
A FUN Night of Metal!
• PYTHAGORAS (from Long Beach)
• 4199
Promoter site [facebook.com/liquidduaneometalproductions]

At The Phoenix Theater
All-Ages // 201 Washington St, in Petaluma // [thephoenixtheater.com]
Saturday, July 16th, 7:30pm doors, 8pm show, $10
Event pages [eventbrite.com/e/toomuchdog-everything-band-most-fried-the-selkies-tickets-345125548807] [facebook.com/events/1298411180682761]
• TooMuchDog [open.spotify.com/artist/5yO5RZ3T2g0jahItpk9mOk]
• Everything Band (Indie Rock! from Marin Co.!) [soundcloud.com/e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g]
• Most Fried (Rock! from Berkeley!) [open.spotify.com/artist/1JzaIct4nhHqozkXqbUlkE]
• The Selkies (all girl Folk rock band from West Marin!)
Saturday, July 22nd, 7:30pm doors, 8pm show, $10
• Hexen House (black metal)
• Witchmelter (psychedelic sludge)
• Railrage (thrash metal)
• Snakehead (thrash punk)
Sunday, July 23rd, 7:30pm doors, 8pm show, $10
Event pages [eventbrite.com/e/dying-suns-moms-with-bangs-sluttony-trestles-tickets-360233085857] [facebook.com/events/1075711206663936]
• Dying Suns
• Moms With Bangs [momswithbangs.bandcamp.com]
• Sluttony
• Trestles
Friday, July 29th, 7:30pm doors, 8pm show, $10
Event pages [eventbrite.com/e/rat-bastard-radio-wild-metanoia-chapstick-ighostable-tickets-373419416527] [facebook.com/events/539014621052035]
• Rat Bastard Radio (from Sonoma Valley) [ratbastardradio.bandcamp.com]
• Wild Metanoia
• Chapstick
• iGhostable
Saturday, July 30th, 7:30pm doors, 8pm show, $10
• Gumby's Junk (from Oakland) [gumbys-junk.bandcamp.com]
• Grooblen [grooblen.bandcamp.com]
• The Inbetweens [theinbetweens.bandcamp.com]
• Rumble Pak
Saturday, August 6th, 7pm doors, 8pm show, $10
The Punx Skate for Women's Rights
Event page [eventbrite.com/e/the-punx-skate-for-womens-rights-hell-bound-pound-right-to-remain-more-tickets-385910567897]
• Hell Bound Pound
• Right to Remain
• Loud Graves
• Rotter
• skate competition! (7:30pm)
The Punx Skate for Women's Rights Fundraiser!
SKATE competition signups at the door. Spots limited. SKATE off starts at 7;30PM. Compete for a cause and win some loot!
At The Arlene Francis Center
All-Ages // 99 6th St, in Santa Rosa // [arlenefranciscenter.org] [facebook.com/arlenefranciscenter]
At The Arlene Francis Center
All-Ages // 99 6th St, in Santa Rosa // [arlenefranciscenter.org] [facebook.com/arlenefranciscenter]
Friday, July 29th, 8pm doors, 8:30pm show, $15
• Loma Prieta
• The New Trust [thenewtrust.com] facebook.com/thenewtrust]
• Cheree
• New Low
At The Lost Church
All-ages // 427 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa // [thelostchurch.org] [facebook.com/TheLostChurchSantaRosa]
All-Ages // 924 Gilman St. at 8th, in Berkeley // [924gilman.org] // (510) 524-8180 // Annual club membership is $2 upfront! // Vaxx-restrictions apply.
Friday, July 22nd, 6:30pm, $12
• The Nukeproofs
• George Crustanza
• Stratejacket
• Beefus
Saturday, July 23rd, 6:30pm, $10
• Necessary Noise
• Bull Goose Randall
• Glass Generation
• Dark Satellite
• Dead End Job
Saturday, August 6th, 7pm, $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/1105469440097892]
• Middle-Aged Queers
• Scott Yoder
• Pleeay
All-Ages // 2905 Shattuck Ave, in Berkeley // [berkeleyarthouse.wordpress.com] [facebook.com/arthousegallery2905] // VAXX RESTRICTED
Friday, July 22nd, 7pm doors, 'til 10pm, $15
Friday, July 22nd, 7pm doors, 'til 10pm, $15
Event page [facebook.com/events/2291615391003401]
• Jaidon (Indie Garage rock)
• Winsome (Indie rock trio from Sacramento) [winsome1.bandcamp.com]
• Father Grim (Grunge, power pop from Oakland) [fathergrim.bandcamp.com]
• Window Girl (Hot Shot 3 piece indie rock band from Sacramento) [windowgirl.bandcamp.com]
At Thee Stork Club
21+ // 2330 Telegraph Ave. in Oakland // [theestorkclub.com]
Bargain Rock Festival
3 Day Pass $57.58
Friday, August 12th, 7pm doors, 8pm show, $20 door, $21.65 advance
• Ajar
• Whateverglades
• West Cült
• Hot Lunch
+ Live Vinyl DJs!
Saturday, August 13th, 2pm doors, 3pm show, $20 door, $21.65 advance
• Durty Whyte Boots
• Vaxxines
• Teutonics
• Albacoe
• Boars
• Okmoniks
• Nauseaters
• Phantom Surfers
+ Live Vinyl DJs!
+ Food by Aburaya and Charlie Waffles
Sunday, August 14th, 3pm doors, 4pm show, $20 door, $21.65 advance
• Chuckleberries
• Hank Rother’s Country Revue
• Lou Lou & Her Spizy Boyz
• Ogres
• Th’ Losin’ Streaks
+ more bands TBA & Live Vinyl DJs!
At Thee Parkside
1600 17th st., in San Francisco // [theeparkside.com]
Saturday, July 16th, 8pm, $12, $10 advance, 21+
Good Girl and HWS presents
Sunday, July 17th, 4pm, all-ages
w/ Banjer Dan [banjerdan.live]

Saturday, July 23rd, 8pm doors, 8:30pm show, $10 advance, $12 show, 21+
Good Girl and HWS presents... a night of Horror Punk!, w.
• PLAN 9 (tribute to The Misfits)

Sunday, July 24th, 4pm, all-ages
TWANG! SUNDAY: "Celebrating the 50th Anniversary Release of 'Chest Fever', Rock of Ages; The Official Revival of The Band", w.
At The Library Of MusicLandria
All-ages // 1219 S Street, in Sacramento // [musiclandria.com] [facebook.com/libraryofmusiclandria] // NOTAFLOF
Saturday, July 16th, 6:30pm doors, $10
• Jesus and the Dinosaurs
• Problem Plays
• The Me Gustas
Thursday, July 21st, 6:30pm doors, $10
• Don Sireno
• Gillian Underwood
• Tony Galioto
Friday, July 29th, 6:30pm doors, $10
• Purgist
• MC Iraqi Freedom
• Buyer
What's up in & around Sacramento
Saturday, July 16th, 8pm, $10, all ages
at the Russ Room, 730 K St., in downtown Sacramento
• Fitting
• Share
• Winsome
• Dean Spunt
Saturday, July 16th, 7pm, $25, 21+
at the West Sac VFW Hall, 905 Drever St., in West Sacramento
"Battle of the Saxes!" w.
• Terry Hanck
• Danny Sandoval
• Nancy Wright
• Marty Deradoorian
• The Terry Hanck Band
Dance floor, Purple Pig Eats pop up, free parking
Wednesday, July 20th, 6pm, $10, all ages!
at 1219 S Street, in downtown Sacramento
• Oliver Opus
• Gabe IV
• Dana Tucker
• Celia St Croix
Wednesday, July 20th, 8pm, $10 to $15 (donations go to the touring bands), 21+
at The Golden Bear, 2326 K st., in downtown Sacramento
Event page [facebook.com/events/1583990985329218]
• Meet Cute (Sacramento, w. Research Chemical Records)
• Dummy (LA, w. Trouble in Mind Records & Subpop)
• Mo Dotti (LA, w. Smoking Room)
• Spacemoth (Bay, w. Wax Nine Records)
Tuesday, July 26th, 7pm, $5-10 suggested donation, all ages
at the Davis Bike Collective, 1221 1/2 4th Street, in Davis, [davisbikecollective.org]
• Fatty Cakes & the Puff Pastries [fattycakes.bandcamp.com/album/fatty-cakes-and-the-puff-pastries-2]
• Cave Babies [cavebabies.bandcamp.com]
• DJ Ari B. & Willy D.
Thursday, July 28th, 5pm, all ages
at the California State Fair, 1600 Exposition Blvd, in the Golden State's capitol city!
• The Enlows [enlows.com] [theenlows.bandcamp.com]
Live At The Promenade Stage!
(press photo showing the Promenade Stage)

Also tune-in on Ozcat for...

• "The Red Eye", Mondays 9 'til noon, with Metal & Hard Rock, hosted by Dianne the Great!
• "Spitshine Show", Mondays 6 'til 9pm, Classic Psyche Rock & Indy Americana, hosted by Rick (of 5-Cent Coffee)!
• "Bass Fixx", Sunday night, 9pm 'til midnight, hosted by DJ IMosaicmix!
• "Down Slope Lounge", Thursdays, 9am, hosted by DJ IMosaicmix, making your morning commute that much cooler!
• "Grateful Siren and Mose Show", Mondays 9pm 'til midnight, with a special blend of Reggae, Blues, Rock and the Grateful Dead! (@GratefulSirenAndMoseShowOnOzcatRadio) [facebook.com/GratefulSirenAndMoseShowOnOzcatRadio]
• "Rhythms with Rich", Thursdays, 6 'til 9pm, with Classic Rock, New Alternative!
• "The Bay Sesh", Thursdays, 12 midnight 'til 3am, a session of music, interviews, reviews, to inspire our community evolution, hosted by DJ LV! [thebaysesh.com]
• "The Irie Radio Show", Fridays 6 'til 9pm, with conscious Roots Reggae and Dancehall, hosted by Big O!
• "All Over the Road", Saturdays, 6 'til 9pm, hosted by Jeremy (classic FM jock spinning Rock wax with stories and context)!
• "The A.M. Hustle", Wednesdays, 6am 'til 9am, hosted by Angela Marie with upbeat morning jams with lively conversation and interviews!

• "Rhythms with Rich", Thursdays, 6 'til 9pm, with Classic Rock, New Alternative!
• "The Bay Sesh", Thursdays, 12 midnight 'til 3am, a session of music, interviews, reviews, to inspire our community evolution, hosted by DJ LV! [thebaysesh.com]
• "The Irie Radio Show", Fridays 6 'til 9pm, with conscious Roots Reggae and Dancehall, hosted by Big O!
• "All Over the Road", Saturdays, 6 'til 9pm, hosted by Jeremy (classic FM jock spinning Rock wax with stories and context)!
• "The A.M. Hustle", Wednesdays, 6am 'til 9am, hosted by Angela Marie with upbeat morning jams with lively conversation and interviews!

Also worthy to check out:
• BAGeL Radio (via Soma FM) [somafm.com/bagel] [bagelradio2.blogspot.com], tune-in [radio.net/s/bagelradio] [somafm.com/player/#/now-playing/bagel], hour playlist [somafm.com/bagel/songhistory.html]. Spanning four decades of great alternative, post-punk, indie rock and noise pop, you'll hear artists like Frightened Rabbit, The White Stripes, Metric, The National, Tune-Yards, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Thermals, The Smiths, Blur, Radiohead, Mission of Burma, Chameleons UK, Siouxsie & The Banshees, X, and just about every Slumberland Records band ever. And every Friday is 480 Minutes: Ted plays and discusses the latest and greatest music in real time. For eight hours. Seriously. From 9am-5pm Eastern.
• "Adventure University" on 93.3FM in Colorado [facebook.com/SundayNightsWithAlf], with local & independent label bands.
• FaultRadio [faultradio.com]
Part of the Vallejo Liberation Radio Vanguard, in the tradition of Berkeley Liberation Radio 104.1 FM & Free Radio Berkeley [freeradio.org]. The History Of Free Radio Berkeley [archive.org/details/TheHistoryOfFreeRadioBerkeley]. "Seizing the Airwaves" book (.pdf) [archive.is/ajtPD] / Best of Free Radio Berkeley Audio Compilation [payhip.com/b/6GT2].

* "HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN PIRATE RADIO STATION" (2015-11-03, wired.com) (wired.com/2015/11/create-your-own-pirate-radio/) [archive.is/cRfGO]
* FM Broadcast Kits & Accessories (freeradio.org/store/frb_kits.html) [archive.is/1mXTM]
Vaxx Restrictions are voluntary on behalf of the venue, and, are not enforced by the State of California. Vaccinations & boosters do not protect against Covid-19 infection, nor do these halt the spread. Afflictions caused by vaccinations include rashes and SADS, therefore, individual people voluntarily forego such afflictions and remain immune to Covid-19. However, venues can choose to exclude people who remain unvaccinated, despite doing so being unjustified, and, harms their business. Feel free to remind venues to stop being fearful of just another flu-like virus, and to accept all healthy people. Fuck Pfizer.
* "Coronavirus Today: Giving up on vaccine mandates" (2022-06-07, latimes.com/science/newsletter/2022-06-07/coronavirus-today-covid-vaccine-mandates-abandoned-coronavirus-today) [archive.ph/7vStv]
* "Politics and Pandemic Fatigue Doom California’s COVID Vaccine Mandates" (2022-05-27, usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-05-27/politics-and-pandemic-fatigue-doom-californias-covid-vaccine-mandates) [archive.ph/xTv5V]
* "Politics and Pandemic Fatigue Doom California’s COVID Vaccine Mandates" (2022-05-27, usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-05-27/politics-and-pandemic-fatigue-doom-californias-covid-vaccine-mandates) [archive.ph/xTv5V]
* "UK Gov. report admits 18.9 Million people still remain Unvaccinated in England & 50% of the country has refused the Booster but 90% of COVID Deaths since April were among the Triple Vaccinated" (2022-07-18, expose-news.com/2022/07/16/19million-unvaccinated-england-90-percent-covid-deaths-triple-jabbed/) [archive.ph/RFeoM]
- source: "Weekly national Influenza and COVID-19 surveillance report Week 27 report (up to week 26 data) 7 July 2022" [https://web.archive.org/web/20220707151329/https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1088929/Weekly_Flu_and_COVID-19_report_w27.pdf]
* "New Study finds Natural Immunity to Covid-19 does not wane by even 1% but the Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome" (2022-07-14, expose-news.com/2022/07/14/natural-immunity-covid-doesnt-wane-vaccinated-developing-aids/) [archive.ph/cQhOd], at least look at their sources.

Artists are advised to check in on the Berkeley Flea Market [berkeleyfleamarket.com], Sat. & Sun, morning until roughly 3 or 4pm. Magic, enchantment, wares and beauty are to be found alongside organic foods and foreign incense. Participate in the magic drum circle by standing there and vibing within the sound.

just where is the San Pablo Bay? It's on this old map...

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