On OzcatRadio.com, 89.5 FM KZCT, with a listener audience in the thousands across the Northbay and worldwide...
Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, and Thursdays, 5:30pm, Pacific Time
Thee Mothership Connection is your ticket to
Broadcasting from the upper east-side of the San Pablo bay, featuring bands from the Greater Bay Area, NorCal (707), and Central Valley (209 & 916), performing at venues in the Northbay counties of Sonoma, Solano, Napa, Contra Costa, and in neighboring Oakland and Berkeley.
Produced by the Northbay Uprising Media Collective (northbayuprising@)gmail.com)
Free shows are noted. If the event doesn't have a price, bring $12 with you anyway.
Tracks listed with bands are played on the live broadcast, and / or are recommended listening to.
Events databases:
- The LIST [is.gd/VpdB9G] of funk-punk-thrash-ska shows, alongside anything else.
- KZSU's Lively List of Live Music Happenings [kzsu.stanford.edu/concertcalendar]
- Sacramento Area Shows [undietacos.org]
- Bay Area Punk [bayareapunk.com]
- The Bay Bridged [thebaybridged.com]
- Solidarity with your community radio stations, including KWTF [kwtf.net] in neighboring Sonoma County!
- Vallejo downtown events and entertainment [artvallejo.org/events]

At CHRIS' CLUB, in Vallejo
21+ // [facebook.com/chrisclubvallejo] // 656 Benicia rd. in Vallejo // Bookings: Nanette (707) 319-6405

At TOOT'S TAVERN, in Crockett
21+ // [tootstavern.com] [facebook.com/pg/tootstavern/events] // 627 2nd Ave., Crockett, CA 94525 // (510) 787-9860, [tootstavern@)gmail.com]
Saturday, May 11th, 9pm 'til 12 midnight, $5
Event page [facebook.com/events/440645793360162]
NoLess Booking presents...
- The Rough (of San Diego) [facebook.com/theroughmusic] [theroughsd.com]
- Friends with Pills [facebook.com/Friendswithpills]
- Fishing for Chips [facebook.com/fishing4chips]
- Greasy Rich (acoustic)

21+ // [facebook.com/redhatsportsbar] [reverbnation.com/venue/redhatsportsbar] // 1860 Monument Blvd, Concord, CA 94518 // [facebook.com/TonyKrollBooking]
Friday, May 17th, 9pm 'til 12 midnight, $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/424981254714936]
Bandhoppers presents...
- Ghost Town Hangman [ghosttownhangmen.com] [facebook.com/ghosttownhangmen], w. "Multiple Personalities", "Electra Glow"
- Grease Hound [facebook.com/Greasehoundmusic] [reverbnation.com/greasehound1], w. "Outer Space Girl"
- Three Second Rule [facebook.com/Three-Second-Rule-1636184756458096], w. "Eight Days Away"

Friday, May 31st, 9pm, $7
Event page [facebook.com/events/2378199819070362]
Tony Kroll presents... My birthday show!
- Day Labor [facebook.com/DayLabor]
- The Lucky Eejits [facebook.com/theluckyeejits]
- Dearly Divided [facebook.com/DearlyDivided]
- The Midnight Brothers [facebook.com/themidnightbrothers]
- Break Time [facebook.com/breaktimemusic]

Up The Creek
All-Ages // [upthecreekrecords.com/events-and-live-music] // 1840 Tice Valley Blvd. Walnut Creek
All-Ages // [thephoenixtheater.com] // 201 Washington St, Petaluma, CA, 94952
Friday, May 10th, 7:30 pm (doors), 8pm (show) 'til 11:30pm, $10
Event page [thephoenixtheater.com/event/1849471-skunk-funk-singular-petaluma]
- Skunk Funk [skunkfunkofficial.com] [facebook.com/skunkfunkmusic] [skunkfunkofficial.bandcamp.com], w. "Cirque Du Skank" EP
- Singular
- Legal Disaster (of Petaluma) [legaldisasterband.bandcamp.com], w. "Self-Condemned", "Serene Dreams of You and Morphine"
- Prodkt
- The Unlikely Heroes
- Tajie D
All-Ages // [arlenefranciscenter.org] [facebook.com/arlenefranciscenter] // 99 6th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
At The Orchard House
All-Ages // [facebook.com/theorchardhousesr] // 670 Brittain Ln, Santa Rosa. Don't park on Brittain Ln, park in the corporate center parking lot across the street on sebastopol road.
All-Ages // [924gilman.org] // 924 Gilman St. at 8th, Berkeley // (510) 524-8180 // Annual club membership is $2 upfront!
Friday, May 10th, 7pm 'til 11pm, $10
- The Skunkadelics (East Bay Ska) [facebook.com/TheSkunkadelics] [theskunkadelics.bandcamp.com], w. "Get Outta My Head", "Da Hollow"
- The Lucky Eejits (East Bay Punk Rock) [facebook.com/theluckyeejits] [theluckyeejits.bandcamp.com], w, "Didn't Mean It", "Something To Believe In"
- Anti- Vision (Las Vegas Hardcore Punk) [facebook.com/AntiVisionLV] [anti-vision.bandcamp.com]
- FCON (Whitecenter Washington Hardcore Punk) [facebook.com/FxCxOxN] [tinydragonmusic.bandcamp.com/album/fcon], w. "Liquid Fury"
- Flight Mongoose (Bay Area Rock) [facebook.com/flightmongoose] [flightmongoose.bandcamp.com/releases], w. "Sante Fe"
- The Imported (Sacramento alt-Rock) [facebook.com/theimportedband] [soundcloud.com/theimportedmusic]

At 1234 Go!
All-Ages // [1234gorecords.com] [facebook.com/pg/1234gorecords/events] // 420 40th Street #5 Oakland, CA
Friday, May 17th, 7 'til 10pm, $10 suggested donation
Event page [facebook.com/events/2288512371405207]
Benefit for Women's Defense and Empowerment organizations "Magnify The Muted" & "BAYWAR (Bay Area Women Against Rape)"
- Will Wolfe
- Just Like Honey
- Tele Vicious
At the Octopus Literary Salon
All-Ages // [oaklandoctopus.org] [facebook.com/TheOctopusLiterarySalon] // 2101 Webster st. at 22nd st. // (510) 844-4120
HARDCORE! Friday, May 10th, 9:30pm, $7
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/shit-coffins-flexure-therapy-san-diego-daydream-portland-930pm-7]
- Shit Coffins [shitcoffins.bandcamp.com/album/termination]
- Flexure (Oakland HardBreakUpcore) [flexure.bandcamp.com/album/demo]
- Therapy (San Diego Hardcore) [therapysd.bandcamp.com/album/the-line-ep], w. "Crusader"
- Daydream (Portland Psychedelic Hardcore) [daydream.bandcamp.com/album/s-t], w. "Truest Reality", "Campaign for Movement", "Generations Exude Out of You"

Saturday, May 11th, 6:30pm, $8
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/tier-9-little-debbie-crusaders-unpopular-opinion-new-car-smell-630pm-8]
- Tier 9 [youtube.com/watch?v=JAp9oZpCgoo]
- Little Debbie & The Crusaders [littledebbieandthecrusaders.bandcamp.com/album/im-not-your-boo]
- Unpopular Opinion [unpopularopinionband.bandcamp.com/album/punkernickel], w. "Ambush", "This Song Kills Fascists"
- New Car Smell
Saturday, May 11th, 10pm, $8
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/ovvn-shitgiver-la-versing-seattle-10pm-8]
- OVVN [ovvn.bandcamp.com/album/bob-dylans-dead]
- ShitGiver (LA) [shitgiverla.bandcamp.com/album/life]
- Versing (Seattle) [versing.bandcamp.com/album/10000-2], w. "Offering", "Tethered"
Johnny Hell promotions [johnnyhellpromotions.com] [johnnyhellpromotions.bandcamp.com] [facebook.com/JohnnyHellPromotions]
Lommori Productions [facebook.com/pg/lommoriproductions/events]
Tony Kroll Booking [facebook.com/TonyKrollBooking]
Bandhoppers / TTL Music Inc (SacTown Metal) [facebook.com/ttlmusicinc] [facebook.com/bandhoppers]
'Zine Reviews & News
* Broken Pencil zine reviews & news [brokenpencil.com]
* Syndicated Zine Reviews [facebook.com/SyndicatedZineReviews] [syndicatedzinereviews.blogspot.com]
* East Bay Alternative Book and Zine Fest [facebook.com/EBABZfest]
Also tune-in to...
* "Rhythms with Rich": Thursdays, 9pm 'til midnight

Great help.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your effort. I am getting useful information from your blog. Keep it up.
Event Venues Walnut Creek