On OzcatRadio.com, 89.5 FM KZCT, with a listener audience in the thousands across the Northbay and worldwide...
Thee Mothership Connection is your ticket to
Broadcasting from the upper east-side of the San Pablo bay, featuring bands from the Greater Bay Area, NorCal (707), and Central Valley (209 & 916), performing at venues in the Northbay counties of Sonoma, Solano, Napa, Contra Costa, and in neighboring Oakland and Berkeley.
Free shows are noted. If the event doesn't have a price, bring $12 with you anyway.
Tracks listed with bands are played on the live broadcast, and / or are recommended listening to.
Events databases:
- The LIST [is.gd/VpdB9G] of funk-punk-thrash-ska shows, alongside anything else.
- KZSU's Lively List of Live Music Happenings [kzsu.stanford.edu/concertcalendar]
- Sacramento Area Shows [undietacos.org]
- Bay Area Punk [bayareapunk.com]
- Solidarity with your community radio stations, including KWTF [kwtf.net] in neighboring Sonoma County!
- Vallejo downtown events and entertainment [artvallejo.org/events]

At TOOT'S TAVERN, in Crockett
21+ // [tootstavern.com] [facebook.com/pg/tootstavern/events] // 627 2nd Ave., Crockett, CA 94525 // (510) 787-9860, [tootstavern@)gmail.com]
21+ // [facebook.com/redhatsportsbar] [reverbnation.com/venue/redhatsportsbar] // 1860 Monument Blvd Concord, CA 94518 // [facebook.com/TonyKrollBooking]
Friday, March 1st, 9:30pm 'til 3am
- Anarchy Lace [anarchylaceband.com] [reverbnation.com/anarchylace]
- Dreams of Madness
- Wendell and The Puppets

Up The Creek
All-Ages // [upthecreekrecords.com/events-and-live-music] // 1840 Tice Valley Blvd. Walnut Creek
All-Ages // [thephoenixtheater.com] // 201 Washington St, Petaluma, CA, 94952
Friday, March 1st, 7:30 pm (doors), 8pm show) 'til 11:30 pm, $10
Event page [thephoenixtheater.com/event/1825373-corrupted-morals-b-ward-petaluma]
- Corrupted Morals. The Corrupted Morals were formed about 1986 in Palmdale, California and was one of the original 924 Gilman Street bands. They originally consisted of Rick (vocals), Dan (guitar), Ray (guitar), Roman (bass), and Jose (drums). Their first release was a 7", called the 'Chet' EP. The band later added Joel (bass - only for the 'Chet' 7") and Larry LaLonde (ex Possessed - joined after 'Chet'). Ray left at some point after the 'Chet' EP was released. Rick, Dan, Ray, Joel (substituting for Roman) and Jose recorded the 'Chet' EP in June of 1987, but wasn't released until January 1988 on Lookout! Records. It was the second Lookout! release. Later, they also released on Lookout! their 'Cheese It' LP. 'Cheese It' featured Rick, Roman, Jose, Dan, and Larry. They also produced a very limited record, 'Think About It' 7" on Very Small Records, VSR 01. Corrupted Morals were also on several compilations. Corrupted Morals broke up sometime in 1990. Larry Lalonde then went on to play in Primus. Latest track [newnoisemagazine.com/corrupted-morals-green-day-cover]!
- B-Ward (from Santa Rosa) [bward.bandcamp.com]
- Deathglam [deathglam.bandcamp.com]
- Fall Children (From Ukiah; Punk Rock band infused with Surf, Thrash, Classic Rock, and Alternative Root) [fallchildren1.bandcamp.com]
- The Exit Plan
All-Ages // [924gilman.org] // 924 Gilman St. at 8th, Berkeley // (510) 524-8180 // Annual club membership is $2 upfront!
Friday, March 1st, 7pm (doors), 7:30pm (show), $12
Event page [facebook.com/events/953561921700430]
- The High Curbs (Los Angeles, fuzz in yr face) [thehighcurbs.bandcamp.com/album/tommy] w. "Ghost" "Tony T", "Strawberry Hill"
- Junkie (San Antonio, TX; lofi indie pop sweethearts)
- Carpool Tunnel (local indie heroes)
- Unpopular Opinion (local dorks playing out of tune) [facebook.com/unpopularopinionband] [unpopularopinionband.bandcamp.com], w. "Steven the Fish", "Ambush", "This Song Kills Fascists"
- Kevin Nichols (newly local anthemic garage punk)
Saturday, March 2nd, 7pm $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/440201099845144]
- Chin Up Kid [facebook.com/ChinUpKidIN] [chinupkid.com]
- Foxx Bodies [facebook.com/foxxbodies]
- NoseBleed [facebook.com/nosebleedaz]
- Suburban Paradise Band [facebook.com/SuburbanParadiseBand] [suburban-paradise.com]
- Jesus & the Dinosaurs [facebook.com/JesusAndTheDinosaurs] [jesusandthedinosaurs.bandcamp.com]
- Trash Elf
At 1234 Go!
All-Ages // [1234gorecords.com] [facebook.com/pg/1234gorecords/events] // 420 40th Street #5 Oakland, CA
At the Octopus Literary Salon
All-Ages // [oaklandoctopus.org] [facebook.com/TheOctopusLiterarySalon] // 2101 Webster st. at 22nd st. // (510) 844-4120
Friday, March 1st, 9:30pm, $7
Event page [oaklandoctopus.org/shutups-record-release-diesel-dudes-beehive-spesh-seattle-930pm-7]
Shutups Record Release with
- Diesel Dudes [dieseldudes.bandcamp.com]
- Beehive [beehive1.bandcamp.com]
- Spesh (Seattle) [speshmusic.bandcamp.com], w. "Orange Man"
- Shutups [shutupsoakland.bandcamp.com], w. "Looks Like Lemons", "Broken Bone", "Fighter Not a Lover"
'Zine Reviews & News
* Broken Pencil zine reviews & news [brokenpencil.com]
* Syndicated Zine Reviews [facebook.com/SyndicatedZineReviews] [syndicatedzinereviews.blogspot.com]
* East Bay Alternative Book and Zine Fest [facebook.com/EBABZfest]

due march 31 2019 to [theannoyinggirlz@)gmail.com]
- do something unladylike in public? annoying.
- call someone out for being racist/sexist? annoying.
- made a joke that a man would have gotten laughs for? annoying.
- dare to be anything but a docile young lady? sooo obnoxious.
- voice your needs? omg. why is she so annoying.
how many times has every woman been called ANNOYING in her life? how many young girls grow up being told ANNOYING is her main personality trait? why don’t we talk about this more? ANNOYING is a form of gender nonconformity that we are all punished for at some point.
what’s it’s like growing up as an Annoying Girl? what’s it like being an Annoying Woman in your job, in classrooms, in your relationship, in your head, in public? how does ANNOYING manifest at the intersection of race, class, culture, religion, ability, sexuality? what’s the funny, the ridiculous, the political, the angry, the devastating of ANNOYING?
let’s make chicken soup for the annoying soul. submissions open for art, photographs, screenshots, poetry, prose, fiction, memoir, essay to anyone who has ever been an annoying girl.
