On OzcatRadio.com, 89.5 FM KZCT, with a listener audience in the thousands across the Northbay and worldwide...
Tracks listed with bands are played on the live broadcast, and / or are recommended listening to.
With the latest happenings and gatherings for April 7th through 13th, based on these resources:
- The LIST [is.gd/VpdB9G] of funk-punk-thrash-ska shows, alongside anything else.
- KZSU's Lively List of Live Music Happenings [kzsu.stanford.edu/concertcalendar]
- Sacramento Area Shows [undietacos.org]
- [bayareapunk.com]
- Solidarity with your community radio stations, including KWTF [kwtf.net] in neighboring Sonoma County!
- Vallejo downtown events and entertainment [artvallejo.org/events]
'Zine Reviews & News
* [brokenpencil.com]
* [facebook.com/SyndicatedZineReviews] [syndicatedzinereviews.blogspot.com]
April 25th, 7pm
Winters Wednesday Battle of the Bands PLAYOFF!
Event page [facebook.com/events/1908231856174122]
- Hydroplane
- St. Francis & the Wolf [facebook.com/sfandthewolf] [sfandthewolfmusic.com]
- Death n' Taxes [facebook.com/deathntaxes1] [deathntaxesband.com]

Three bands battle for prize money and a spot in the final Wednesday playoff. Any genre. Been turned down before? Now's your chance to play in front of a crowd. New bands encouraged! NO BOOKING THROUGH FACEBOOK! email: WintersBattle@gmail.com for a spot and other details.
Hosted by Winters Tavern (1522 Francisco Blvd, Pacifica)
21+ // [facebook.com/redhatsportsbar] [reverbnation.com/venue/redhatsportsbar] // 1860 Monument Blvd Concord, CA 94518 // [facebook.com/TonyKrollBooking]
HARD ROCK! Saturday, April 21st, 9pm, $7
Tony Kroll Booking presents...
- Hell on Wheels, Record Release Party, [reverbnation.com/hellonwheels], w. "The Bullet", "Cotton Pickin' Devil's Child", "The Gypsy Song", off their new album "Table For Two" on Smoking Nun Records!
- Banger [reverbnation.com/banger9]
- Gravity Lane [reverbnation.com/gravitylayne]

About Hell On Wheels: James Craig Paylor, veteran of many foreign and domestic Rock wars, including the Sunset Strip, has found 3 other people, Jefferey Munzter, Doug Free, and Dan Stromberg, that don't have anything to live for except this band. The result is a high octane mix of heavy Blues based Rock that is not the ideal choice for your opening act. Not unless you're very good.
Next appearance, Saturday, Apr 28, 12 noon, on Rampage Radio at Radio Valencia FM [tunein.com/radio/Radio-Valencia-s139700], in San Francsico!
All-Ages // [arlenefranciscenter.org] [facebook.com/arlenefranciscenter] // 99 6th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Friday, April 27th, 5:30pm, $10
Event page [facebook.com/events/153889131975231]
A PyroZombies show, with...
- Milk For The Angry [facebook.com/milkfortheangry] [milkfortheangry.bandcamp.com], w. "Upside 85", "Let The Batteries Die", "Fun For Everyone", off their new album "Make Like An Animal"!
- Jesus & The Dinosaurs [facebook.com/JesusAndTheDinosaurs] [jesusandthedinosaurs.bandcamp.com], w. "It's Alright", "No es democracia", "I Don't Know"
- Death N Taxes [facebook.com/deathntaxes1] [deathntaxesband.com]
- Fear The Fiasco [facebook.com/beerthetabasco]
- Over the Falls [facebook.com/OverTheFallsRocks] [OverTheFallsRocks.com], w. "That's What The Sign Said", "Enlightenment" (& "Wait Right Here"), "Finnarininin's Revenge-enge"
- Wormhead [facebook.com/Wormheadband] [wormheadband.com] [wormhead1.bandcamp.com], w. "Existence"

At 924 GILMAN, in Berkeley
All-Ages // [924gilman.org] // 924 Gilman St. at 8th, Berkeley // (510) 524-8180
PUNK ROCK PROM, '18! Saturday, April 21st, doors 7pm, show 8pm, $7 in street clothes // $5 in prom attire
Event Page [facebook.com/events/153608388654390]
- The Y Axes (SF) (MUSIC VIDEO SHOOT DURING THEIR SET!) [facebook.com/theyaxes] [theyaxes.bandcamp.com], w. "Patch Me Up", "The Story"
- Falcon A (East Bay) [facebook.com/falconapunks] [falcona.bandcamp.com]
- The Undercurrent (SF) [facebook.com/TheUndercurrentMusic] [theundercurrentmusic.com]
- Spawn Atomic (East Bay) [facebook.com/spawnatomicband], latest music video "Kalima" [youtube.com/watch?v=kriiuPUtoQk] based on Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom!

PUNK ROCK? FOLK PUNK? MATH ROCK! Sunday, April 22nd, doors 4:30pm, show 5pm, $10
Event Page [facebook.com/events/581317175562113]
- Escape from the ZOO (TX // members of days n daze) [escapefromthezoo.bandcamp.com]
- The Antidon'ts (FL's heaviest skate punk trio) [theantidonts.bandcamp.com]
- Some Kind of Nightmare (San Diego Punk) [somekindofnightmarepunk.bandcamp.com]
- Sloth & Turtle [slothandturtle.com]
- Damper
- Rex Means King [rexmeansking.bandcamp.com], Live session at Video City Records, Sept. '17 [soundcloud.com/videocity], w. "Backside Laser Flip"
- Alan Antipuesto
At TOOT'S TAVERN, in Crockett
21+ // [tootstavern.com] // 627 2nd Ave., Crockett, CA 94525 // (510) 787-9860, [tootstavern@)gmail.com]
Saturday, April 21st, 9pm, $12 advance, $16 door
Event Page [tootstavern.com/new-events/2018/4/21/cantell]

At the Octopus Literary Salon
All-Ages // [oaklandoctopus.org] // 2101 Webster st. at 22nd st. // (510) 844-4120
ROCK! Saturday, April 21st, 4pm, $5
Event Page [oaklandoctopus.org/unmentionables-panoram-4pm-5]
- The Unmentionables [adampalmer.bandcamp.com/album/the-bayshore-sounds]
- Panoram
PUNK, ACOUSTIC, & MORE! Wednesday, April 25th, 7pm, $5
Event Page [oaklandoctopus.org/open-sorcerer-scrubjay-scott-padden-7pm-5]
- Open Sorcerer
- Scrubjay [soundcloud.com/accidentalvibes]
- Scott Padden [soundcloud.com/scott-griffin-padden]
Open Mic & Poetry Listings
Ca' Momi Osteria, in Napa
Sunday Poetry at the Deli
2nd Sunday of the month, 3 to 5pm
at Valona Deli, 1323 Pomona st. in Crockett. Tel: (510) 787-2022
This popular Crockett event attracts poets and poetry lovers from all around the Bay Area, with featured poets, and an open mic.
Poetry in Notion: A Gathering of Poets
3rd Mondays at 6:30pm
John F. Kennedy Library, 505 Santa Clara st. Vallejo
Poetry enthusiasts gather each month to share their love of poetry. Do you write poetry? Or do you simply like to read poetry? Please come join us as we read poems to eachother - either original work or that of others. Our read around style group is open to teenagers and adults wishing to share their poetry or that of their favorite poets. Come and listen or share. This is a monthly group sponsored by the JFK Library founded by Genea Brice that has been meeting since 2015. Hosted by D.L. Lang. Free snacks. No admission fee.
Also tune-in to...
* "Rhythms with Rich": Mondays, 3 to 6pm
* "The Irie Radio Show", conscious roots reggae and dancehall, Fridays, 6 to 9pm

* "Grateful Siren and Mose Show" (@GratefulSirenAndMoseShowOnOzcatRadio) [facebook.com/GratefulSirenAndMoseShowOnOzcatRadio] We play an eclectic blend of reggae, blues, rock and, of course, the Grateful Dead, every Monday night from 9-midnight

* Talking Schmidt, Sunday 8 to 9pm, with Rock, Blues, Classics, with new, unsigned, alternative artists!

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